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38 Crucial Tips to Prevent Card Fraud (Infographic)

December 18, 2016 ・0 comments

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It’s more important than ever today to protect yourself from hackers -- especially when it comes to your finances. In the midst of the holiday season, it’s likely you’re using your credit and debit cards more often than usual, buying gifts for friends and family.

While you do your holiday shopping, it’s important to educate yourself on card fraud and ways you can avoid it.

Related: 8 Ways Your Poor Personal Credit May Negatively Impact Your Business

To ensure your security, you should never make purchases with your card over the phone, by text or email. When it comes to online shopping, only make purchases through secure websites and never when you’re connected to public Wi-Fi.

From regularly checking your bank statement to using security software -- there are a number a steps you can take to prevent card fraud this holiday season.

Check out Market Inspector’s infographic below for more tips.

Image Credit: Market Inspector

Rose Leadem

Rose Leadem is an online editorial assistant at Entrepreneur Media Inc. 

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