You already know all the swipes against millennials: They're lazy, disloyal, self (and selfie)-obessed.
But the truth is they are also changing what it means to be powerful and successful, and they're upending the way we work and live. Forget climbing the ladder or sitting still and waiting to get promoted. This generation wants a career of twists and turns and adventure. They want to move up and around--fast. For millennials, work-life balance is a thing of the past. It's all work all the time, and all life all the time. And most importantly they want freedom: Freedom from face time at the office, from the old rules about the way things have always been done, and from bosses who think they are lazy, disloyal, and self-obessed.
And yet, when career and ambition are at the center of your life, as it is for this generation, how do you put together the rest of the pieces? I sought to answer that question as part of the research I did for my forthcoming book The Big Life (March 2017). I spoke to high-profile, high-powered women who had found amazing success in business at a young age. Among them: Jennifer Hyman, co-founder and CEO of Rent The Runway, Alexa von Tobel, founder and CEO of LearnVest and Alicia Menendez, anchor of Fusion.
In this exclusive video, these women talk with me about the secrets to their personal as well as professional success:
- How collaboration among women in work has replaced the outdated idea of cut-throat competition
- How to find a partner who honors your ambition
- Why young women couldn't be less interested in "having it all," whatever that means
- And why, when it comes to business, you should forget you're a woman.
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