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5 Essential Reasons You fail at Applying Faux Eyelashes

December 20, 2016 ・0 comments

You all tell me that you are incapable of applying false lashes.
You tell me about fiascos with glue and smeared eye makeup that happens right before a date or a party. You show me pictures of yourself on red carpets and at major business functions where your lashes are hanging on by a thread.
I really want you to learn how to apply lashes. Mostly because you deserve to have eyelashes. And secondly, if you know how to do it yourself, then I won't have to.
Don't get me wrong, I absolutely love how a full set of eyelashes can transform a woman's look. I always encourage my clients, especially those who will be photographed, to have lashes applied. However, if I never had to glue on another lash, I would be thrilled.
Any makeup artist who tells you that he or she enjoys doing lashes is lying to your face.
Any makeup artist who tells you that he or she enjoys doing lashes is lying to your face. We all joined this profession because we love the magic of makeup. We enjoy applying skin care and color to make your features shine. We are artists and we love trying new products and techniques; we love completing a beautiful look; we love the "before" and "after." I don't think any of us are waking up in the morning and saying, "I really can't wait to stick objects slathered in crazy glue into women's eyeballs."
I have a hunch that many of you are all making the same mistakes, which is hindering your ability to apply these lashes properly.
Stop doing these five things and your whole life will change (and maybe mine will, too):

1. You are buying the wrong lashes

The brand doesn't matter as much as the style. Most artists I know regularly use cheap lashes that can be found at the drugstore, so don't worry about spending a lot of money on a luxury lash.
The eyelash section of a store can be very overwhelming as there are so many choices. Don't be tempted by that huge overdramatic pair of lashes. You are probably not ready for those. These heavy lashes look fun, but this whole endeavor can become like "the smoky eye." You like it in theory and you like it on celebrities on Instagram, but probability is high that you won't like it on yourself. Start small.
When you are first learning, it is a good idea to pick up a few inexpensive lashes in different lengths and styles to try to figure out which best suits you. My personal favorite is the Ever EZ Trio lashes by Kiss ($6). They are small little clusters of lashes that you can easily pluck onto your lash line with a pair of tweezers.
The beauty of these is that you can create a natural look with just two clusters or really pile them on for drama. They are easier to manage than a full strip or individuals and you can really hone your craft by practicing with these delights.

2. Your are using the despicable glue that came with the lashes

When you open up your faux lashes, inside you will find a little tube of "lash adhesive." Throw that in the garbage immediately. When you purchase your lashes, you will need to also purchase DUO lash glue($6).
It comes in clear, white, gray, or black. They are all great, but I like the white. You can see it when you are applying the lash and it dries clear. DUO is your insurance that you will not have lashes hanging off of your eyeball at your photo shoot. I have been known to cry, exercise, and shower with great success while wearing lashes adhered with DUO.

3. The glue you're using is cold and thin

The minute you open up your lashes and begin this process, the first thing you should do is squeeze a little puddle of glue onto the plastic lash holder. Let it sit for a minute while you apply eye base to your lid.
The glue needs to warm up and start to congeal a bit. As it thickens it will be easier to manage and it will adhere quicker to your lash line without slipping and sliding all over your lid.

4. You are squirting glue from the tube directly onto your lashes

Don't do this. Work from your little glue puddle using a pointy cotton swab. Dip the swab into the glue and gently coat the band of the lashes with just enough glue to cover it. This will not look like a lot of glue, but it is plenty to get the job done. A common mistake is squirting glue from the tube. You end up with way too much, and again, you will find the lashes slipping and sliding all over the place.

5. You're using your fingers

Once you are an expert, fingers can work fine, but if you are just figuring this all out, using tweezers really helps. The tweezers will help you to gently lift the lashes out of their container without damaging them and then you can easily pop them as close as possible to your natural lash line.
With these five tips you will be in great shape. People ask other questions like, "Should you put on your eye makeup before or after lash application," or "Should you apply mascara to the fake lashes?" There are no rules. Practice different methods and see what works best for you.
One last tip: after all of this hard work to prep for a hot date on a Saturday night, wouldn't it be nice to have these bombshell lashes on for Sunday brunch or maybe even for that Monday morning meeting?
Learn to sleep on your back.

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