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Fitness Guru Jillian Michaels's Best Advice for Young Entrepreneurs

December 20, 2016 ・0 comments

In this video, Entrepreneur Network partner Bryan Elliott meets with fitness guru, author and TV personality Jillian Michaels and asks her what advice she would give her younger self.
"Don't live the life you're told you should," Michaels says. "Live the life that you truly want." Many people may shame you or call you irresponsible when you follow your passions, but authenticity, truth and passion are at the core of every successful entrepreneur.
Don't get discouraged by setbacks. Rather, use them as a learning tool, Michaels advises. Learning from your mistakes will drive you toward success. But don't be afraid to ask for help along the way.
To learn more, click play.
See more episodes on Behind the Brand's YouTube channel
Related: Fitness Guru Jillian Michaels on Pivoting and Learning From Failure
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