This Woman's Magical Rainbow Braids Will Inspire Your Next Colorful Look
December 21, 2016 ・0 comments
It's hard not to notice someone with rainbow hair . . . especially when said hair is colorful waist-length plaits. Influencer and entrepreneur Amina Mucciolo (also known as the TasselFairy rocks ultralong yarn braids that she plaits herself with material purchased from the craft store. A full head can take up to 30 hours to weave. But as she told POPSUGAR Beauty, she loves color so much, the time commitment is "absolutely" worth it. (In fact, she declares pink is basically her version of neutral.)
The yarn braids aren't just fabulous, though: they're also functional. They actually work as a protective style, keeping ends tucked away and preventing breakage. That means when Amina takes out the yarn, her hair underneath is even healthier and longer - so she can experiment with it even more. She has also dabbled with rainbow dye and natural hair extensions.
Read on to see some of her best looks, then watch a video all about her creative strand styling. Don't be surprised if she inspires you to inject a little color into your daily beauty routine!
This Woman's Rainbow Braids Are Nothing Short of Magic
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via POPSUGAR Beauty
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