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Top 10 Ways to Renew Your Spirit and Get Your Mojo Back (Video)

December 25, 2016 ・0 comments

As the year is drawing to a close, and business has slowed down to a snail’s pace, it’s the perfect time to reflect on the past and plan for the future.

While it’s important to take a look at your business, it’s just as important to take a look at yourself.

  • Are you ready to tackle the next year or are you feeling tired and run down?
  • Do you feel inspired or is your creative tank empty?
  • Are all your ducks in a row or are they flying all over the place?

If you answered the latter to any of the questions above, then you need the 10 tips for renewing your spirit and getting your mojo back highlighted in the video above.

Recharging is Part of Your Job Description

As a small business owner, you’re responsible for providing the energy that drives your company forward. If you’re not showing up at 100 percent everyday, your business is going to feel the effects.

That’s why it’s so important to learn how to recharge, both physically and mentally. The tips in the video address both of those aspects, often at the same time.

How to Get Your Mojo Back

A sound mind lives in a sound body so it should come as no surprise that exercise, eating well, sleeping enough hours, and drinking enough water all made the list of tips. All four benefit you both physically and mentally by shoring up your foundations and by assuring you have the energy to reach your goals.

Another important ingredient to recharging is other people. Whether in large groups for extroverts or small groups for introverts, other people give us energy and help us laugh and relax.

Turning inward, a hobby or journal will help nurture your inner life away from work. Use both to recharge your creativity or just to get away.

Finally, it always helps to simplify and organize your life so the little things don’t get in the way of success.

The holiday season is a wonderful time to recharge as you have both the time to think and the opportunity to socialize. Make the most of this period and the year ahead will lead you toward your goals.

Make sure to also check out the full list of 22 ways to renew your spirit and get your mojo back.

Exercise Photo via Shutterstock, Bedside Drink Photo via Shutterstock, Pizza Fun Photo via Shutterstock, Guitar Player Photo via Shutterstock, Bridge Writer Photo via Shutterstock, Woman Laughing Photo via Shutterstock, Multi-color hair Photo via Shutterstock, Couple Eating Photo via Shutterstock, Before-After Photo via Shutterstock, Calendar Photo via Shutterstock, New Day Photo via Shutterstock

This article, "Top 10 Ways to Renew Your Spirit and Get Your Mojo Back (Video)" was first published on Small Business Trends

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