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Major problems that cripple businesses

December 15, 2016 ・0 comments

Anyone that has started, owned or managed a business at any time would attest to the fact that every business has its own unique challenges, and that solving problems is virtually a daily affair in the business world. No matter the problem, there are always solutions.
Overtime, experts have identified sharing business experiences as one of the ways of overcoming problems in business. This is so because: someone: investors, consultants, business owners, managers etc. have either passed through similar situation or is currently passing through such challenge.
Bear in mind though, that: there is no sure fit solution for every business problem, but, a lot of ideas can still be gained from other people’s experiences and that is the very essence of business collaboration, coaching, mentoring and training.
In a way of enlistments, the following major problems of business have been identified to cripple business (even before they start.)
1 conflict of personal vision and business goals
2 the lack of entrepreneurship skills and management knowledge
3 the lack of market and marketing knowledge
4 financial management challenges
5 problems of credibility and credit worthiness
6 personnel management problems
7 personnel motivation and team engagement challenges
8 poor product differentiation
9 ineffective business systems
10 poor leveraging strategies
In the subsequent publications, detailed investigation into these above mentioned problems of business are made as well as strategies to ameliorate them. Stay tuned

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