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The worst disaster destroying the youths and the young generations of this generation

December 15, 2016 ・0 comments

Take a good look at the next group of young adults you see. Chances are, they all look pretty, healthy, strong etc. but if you could look inside their cells and vital organs, you would see that the external appearance of health can be deceiving.
With some noticeable layers of fat and scar tissue lining blood vessels, you can safely predict that a number of these young people will have hearth attacks, strokes, cancers etc. when they hit middle age.
The set of young people you saw are not unusual, they simply represent what is obtainable in our present day generation, which is: most healthy looking young people harbor early signs of serious chronic diseases that will become obvious later in life. Chronic diseases resulting from lifestyle and daily habits.
Unfortunately, knowing what we should to protect our health in later years I often not enough to get us to change our habits. Most young people need more immediate payoff to get motivated. Other as well get motivated into making healthy changes in their life by seeing the quality of life of members of their family affected by chronic disease.
Either way, it is important to note that the strength of the younger generation can deceive them to overlook the vital healthy lifestyles they must keep to stay healthy in the long run. This is the disaster awaiting the young generation: the worst of it is that no proper awareness if being created on this matter.

In form of advice, the description of wellness lifestyle should not overwhelm you and make you think you must change all your bad habits at once or overhaul your lifestyle completely: those are entirely up to you. Studies have shown that small improvements in your lifestyle can make a big difference in your health. So we encourage you to start by making few positive changes. Your efforts will be rewarded – you will feel better now and you will continue to reap the benefits throughout your life.

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