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This signs shows that you are not just healthy but well

December 15, 2016 ・0 comments

It is quite unfortunate that the understanding of the wholesome component of wellness is rear to find.
In this post, we will make a list of the important signs of wellness, not just being healthy.
1 the persistent presence of a support network
2 chronic positive expectations: the tendency to frame events in a constructive light
3 episodic outbreaks of joyful, happy experiences
4 a sense of spiritual involvement
5 a tendency to adapt to changing conditions
6 rapid response and recovery of stress response systems to repeated challenges
7 an increased appetite for physical activity
8 a tendency to identify and communicate feelings
9 repeated episodes of gratitude and generosity
10 a persistent sense of humor
It is a general norm that wellness is solely a state of healthy living. Well, haven read the above, I guess you have been enlighten on those distinguishing elements that defines the wellness of mankind
Having in mind of the various components that facilitates the wellness of a person, this list produces a compressive summary of the signs of wellness of a person which we shall further discuss in subsequent posts.
Thanks for reading

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