Why do we kiss?
December 21, 2016 ・0 comments
I believe that kissing is an evolutionarily stable strategy that leads to longer and more successful mating pairs. Studies show that humans who kiss in relationships have reduced stress levels, lower cholesterol and higher overall relationship satisfaction. (http://ift.tt/2i88hn4...). Kissing is also an extremely effective way to pass pheromones containing information about histocompatibility complexes and antigen compatibility that would lead to healthy children. We know that animals use pheromones to convey information about mating, danger and food. I find similar hypothesis in humans quite compelling although there is still a lot of research to be done.
It's interesting that we use the term chemistry to refer to an ineffable connection we sometimes feel with that special someone while it is literally biochemistry that determines much of that attraction.
On a broader level, lips contain one of the highest concentrations of nerves in the body making it a lot of fun. Pucker up!
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